Our software uses state-of-the-art numerical methods to deliver unparalleled accuracy, performance, and capabilities.
Available Now: FiberDev™ 2.0 for Windows 10
Just ADDED: Support for importing Measured index profile text files
NEW in FiberDev 2.0: An exact treatment of field propagation through a circular bend, including transition regions where the curvature changes smoothly from straight to bent and bent to straight
Evaluate losses and mode mixing induced by the bend
Include the strain-optic effect, if desired
Easily perform sweeps over wavelength, bend radius, and bend extent to evaluate bend properties as functions of these parameters
Provides exact results that can be used to test the accuracy of approximate treatments of bend propagation/loss
Rapidly evaluates the true vector modes of any real or complex radial index profile entered by the user
Very high accuracy (> 12 digits for propagation constants, > 9 digits for mode fields)
Fast: evaluates 3 hybrid modes and their properties at 25 wavelengths in 1 second (Pentium E6700 @ 3.2 GHz)
Index profile can be discontinuous
Index profiles can be saved for re-use
Support for import of measured index profile text files
Material dispersion can be included using built-in Sellmeier expansions
Allows users to verify satisfaction of Maxwell’s equations and mode orthogonality
Also performs LP mode evaluation under the weakly guiding approximation
Evaluates modal properties including loss, group delay, dispersion, dispersion slope, cutoff, effective area, and mode field diameter
All computational results can be saved in text files for later reference or use in other applications
Includes a PML with user-controllable properties for simulation of radiation in open waveguides
Evaluates the field at arbitrary distances from the fiber endface with no approximation
Includes back-reflection from the fiber endface
Enables simulation of the ITU far-field measurement process for mode field diameter and effective area
Evaluate numerical aperture (NA) and divergence angle
Enables simulation of free-space propagation
Perform eye-safety studies by evaluating power flow at arbitrary distances from a fiber endface
Enables simulation of the propagation of IR countermeasures
Not just for optical waveguides: FiberDev™ 2.0 can simulate waveguide behavior in any frequency regime, from RF to UV
Easy to use GUIs give the user control of the computational process
Publication quality graphics capabilities
Single-Site License for $400
Enterprise License for $2000
Academic discounts are available (contact us)
Contact us to discover how our software can help you design, optimize, and simulate the performance of optical fiber for your target application
Need help deciding if FiberDev 2.0 is right for your applications? Contact us to obtain User Manual at no charge
Electrodynamic Insights also offers consulting services
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