Electrodynamic Insights


 Explore the bending properties of coated few-mode fiber…

1. Launch FiberDev 2.0 2. Define the index profile layer by layer


3. Set up the bend propagation 4. Plot and view the results

Explore the effect of the coating index on the bending properties of standard step-index single-mode fiber…

1. Define the index profile layer by layer 2. Set up and run the bend propagation

3. Change the index of the coating 4. Set up and run the bend propagation


5. Plot and view the results

Explore the properties of the field emerging from the endface of a hollow-core 1D photonic bandgap fiber at various distances from the endface…

1. Load the index profile from a file

2. Evaluate the modes needed to represent the field incident on and reflected from the endface

3. Evaluate the field emerging from the endface at various distances

4. Plot and view the results

We see that the beam does not diverge significantly until > 1cm from the endface

We see that the beam does not diverge significantly until > 1cm from the endface